Friday, August 31, 2012


If there is one this that I believe the Lord wanted us to do as humans, on this earth, working for him, it is to love. Love one another, love his creation, love his direction, and love ourselves. That is one commandment that I know is true and that I have the power to execute. I read Romans again lost night and Chapter 12 stood out to me. Verse 9 starts with a direct request, "Love must be sincere." God creates each one of his children to be perfect in his eyes. There are plenty people in this world that have the ability to drive me crazy but, I have to have the power to embrace them and their "flaws"(in my eyes).

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above your selves."-verse 12. We must put each other in a pedestal, never above the Lord, but above ourselves. If some one asks you to do something, DO IT! Show them you care and expect nothing out of it. Show your gratitude when someone does something for you, even if it is the smallest of things. And when someone offers to do something for you, allow them to do it. If you deny them you are taking away the joy that they would receive from following the Lord's commandment.

The verse that hit me the most related to mission work. Specifically to a trip I took last April. 20 of us flew to San Francisco to work with the homeless in the Tenderloin District. The Lord was alive and well dwelling with in all of our hearts. It was a joy to have the opportunity to interact with the homeless and give them a little love. Most of the homeless population are lonely and seeking some sort of love or attention. Verse 13 says, "Practice hospitality." Then verses 16-20 say, "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of love position. Do not be conceited.... If your enemy is hungry, feed them; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." We are the some as the homeless population. Our lives might be a little less exciting but they have the same soul and maker as we do. The Lord gravitated to the broken and the hurt. He loved them with all of his heart because he was the only person that could fix them and they needed his forgiveness and love. We have to be like Chris in that sense. We have to love and care about everyone we interact with. That is what Christ would do. I will post a few pictures of the group in San Fran and a video of our free time. I was not able to get any pictures of the homeless so these will have to suffice.

The Crew on the first night

Enjoying their In-n-Out hats.

The ever so lovely Brad and Neal.

Quayln Ray.


 Bran and Quyaln


Jim and I

Kelthy Hovith

Gavin and Henderson

Here is the video.

Love you all,
All-i Rose

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