Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy as What?!

A short story told by All-i Rose.

Today in my Communication 101 mass lecture my professor asked for 4 volunteers from the crowed to be brave enough to come and help her. There are 300 students in this class the the most charismatic and outgoing students were the first to respond. I didn't recognize the first volunteer, but I knew the other three. They were my friends Josh, Brady, and Skylar. As those boys started to walk down the steps to the stage the lecture hall eroded in laughter. I didn't know why at first, until I noticed Skylar's shirt. In big, bold letters were the words "HAPPY AS FUCK!" Naturally, I just lost it.
My professor said, "Oh dear god," while looking at Skylar.
He asked, "What?" not remembering what he was wearing.
"It's your shirt young man."
"Oh... crap." He tried to cover it with his hands, "Should I turn it inside out?"
"No, no... I am sure that we have all seen that word."
Skylar just continued to beam his confident white smile as the crowd continued to loose it.
That was the highlight of my day.

Here is a picture where I was "HAPPY AS FUCK!"

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