Tuesday, July 24, 2012



  1. The state of being obsessed with someone or something.
  2. An idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
The first step of overcoming an addiction is admitting that there is a problem. I have a problem. It totally encompasses my mind until I give in. I cannot just sit and watch T.V. or a movie with out having it. At work, the browser is ALWAYS open. 

Damn you,

Fortunately, the obsession brings me joy and adorable ideas. My summer so far has been littered with cute crafts, attractive men and beauty ideas. 

I have recreated this look on my hair:

I made some delicious delicacies: 
Texas Style Salsa

Mini Pizzas

White Pizza Cheese Dip

I was able to revamp my resume.
This is the picture that inspired me.

I recreated this in my own way:

I have started to plan a baby shower:

This is the template for the table scape.

And I was able to gaze at this marvelous men:
I love me some Supernatural!

So over all this addiction is not to awful. I am proud to admit that I have a mild addiction. If you want to check out my Pinterest you can find me at http://pinterest.com/allirosenberger/.

Talk to you later,

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