Friday, June 21, 2013

Rose, Thorn, Bud

Here is my next installment of rose, thorn, bud.

There have been so many roses! I finished my freshman year of college. I am house sitting for a beautiful home. I get to take part of a new ministry. And I have gotten to meet up with so many wonderful people from my past.

I think that my best rose, this week, came out of a Thorn situation. Yesterday, a woman asked if some of us from my work and a few students could come to her home to do some work for her to prepare her home for being sold. Reluctantly we accepted not being fully aware of our duties. When we arrived at her home the weather had drastically changed, the sky was dumping buckets. After parking the trailer, I walked up her her home and asked her what she needed for us to do, partly expecting that it would take part inside of the house. She pointed to a mound of mulch that was probably the size of my car and asked us to spread it 3 inches thick around her whole home... Okay, let me tell you, that was a moment to choose happiness. So I slapped a smile to my face and we proceeded to spread mulch in the pouring rain. There was another person there helping this woman out who happened to be one of my good friends from middle school. It was so fun joking and laughing with each other as we worked to help this woman out in the rain. 

I am back working for the same place that I worked for this last summer and I love it! The thorn portion of that is that I am struggling mentally because I am struggling with the thought of me possibly being phased out. I would love prayers of guidance and peace. Guidance from the Lord of where he might take me if I am, and prayers of peace if I am, that I can be content with the change. I probably am completely wrong, but My mind isn't at ease with the thoughts and it would really sting if I wasn't able to be part of the amazing group.

As I said in my last rose, thorn, bud, I am watching my nephew, Keegan this summer. Last Monday was my first time for this summer and we had lots of fun. I did struggle getting him down for his nap though, so my goal and my hope for looking into the summer is that I will be able to get him to sleep smoother. To get him to fall asleep last time I had to take him on a 4 mile walk in his stroller.

Here is Keegan finally asleep at Costco after our walk. 

Here is the little man awake, fighting his nap.

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