Monday, October 7, 2013


Tonight, while walking back from dinner with my two friends with Jessica and Lauren, I experienced something that I have never experienced before. Let me tell you the story. 
My evening had consisted of working out, playing Volleyball, sweating off my makeup, and then going to dinner with my girls. As we were walking back from dinner I looked back and there was a guy running behind me towards us. At first I just thought that he was running to catch the bus. But after glancing back again, I noticed that he was running straight towards us. Assumingly, I slowed down, expectant to answer a question for him in regards to directions or bus routes, but that information was nothing that he wanted. He strategically ran up in front of me and cut me off with his whole body. I was separated by my two friends who were inquisitively looking at me from behind him. When I glanced back at him he said, "I'm sorry. I'm Don and I just had to stop you because I just think that you are so beautiful." I was caught off guard and looked at my friends for help but they were focusing on containing their laughter. When I glanced back to him he continued, "Can you stop and talk to me for a few minutes?"
I was a bit uneasy feeling and had no interest in him so asked if he could walk with us because I had somewhere I had to be. He, unfortunately, had to go the opposite direction so he didn't want to stray too far, but he agree to walk a little ways. He first asked me, "What do you like to do for fun?"
My response, "Go to church, take pictures, and play volleyball with these goobers. (Pointing at Lauren and Jessica)."
After I said that he felt obligated to introduce himself to them. "Hi I'm Don. Sorry for holding you guys up... I just wanted to stop your friend because she is so beautiful!"
At this point I was very uncomfortable. He was very strong. He then asked me what I was doing tonight. "I have a meeting I am going to." He asked what the meeting was for and I lied... "It is a meeting for my Psychology group."
"What are you majoring in? Psychology??"
"Yah. What are you studying up here?"
"Oh, man I am not very good at Chem."
"I'm like it... I like the challenge." He looks me right in the eyes with this comment. 
"Where do you live?"
"Just bellow BT." I lied, again. I didn't feel comfortable with  giving that information away.
"What year are you?"
I answered truthfully... "I'm a sophomore."I was curious too so I asked him, "What year are you?"
He steps in front of me to make us halt our movement.
"How old do I look?" He had a smile that gleamed.
"Um... you look like you are in your 20's. Maybe 22?"
"I just turned 21."
Hahahaha at this time I turned to look at Lauren and Jessica, begging them for help, and they were actually audibly laughing at this time.
When I looked back at him he was waiting, "I know that this is very forward, but would you mind exchanging numbers and going on a date tomorrow?"
And that is where it happened... I didn't have a response and I didn't want to be a complete bitch, so I lied, for the 3rd time. "I'm sorry, but I am seeing someone right now. Thank you though for coming up to me. I really appreciate it."
He responded polity,"Well thanks for letting me talk to you. You are beautiful." Then he opened his ares and hugged me.

It was an experience. My friends got a laugh. I got a confidence boost. I had never had something happen like that. I have never had a man tell me that I was beautiful and stop me. I don't always feel beautiful. Especially while in college. College is filled with beautiful female and males who compete for love and I feel that I am beautiful enough to win. From the boys who I have hung out with this year, none of them have made me feel pretty, actually most of them have made me feel unworthy. But, this kind man showed me that God created a beautiful creature. Everything that God creates is beautiful.

My friend Jessica sent me this tonight and I loved it. It reminded me that God's creations are beautiful and that no one can tell me different. I AM BEAUTIFUL and SO ARE YOU.

 Humbled and unique,

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