It has just been one of those days. Those days where your brain is foggy and you just want to go back to bed. It is one of those days where your eyes burn from tears that are hidden below the brims. I knew that it was going to be that kind of day the moment that I arrived at work. My personality immediately adapted to the sullen feeling that cloaked the office. Every task that I accomplished exasperated my boss and it eventually began to effect my self image of myself. I started to buy into my self talk. "Jeeze Alli! Why did you even ask that?" "Stop pushing him." "How would you even come to that conclusion?" No one even likes you." I didn't know my role for the day too and that made my tasks for the day even blurrier. After working a full work day in this environment, I feel defeated. I am not looking forward to going back in tomorrow. And after exploring why I feel that way, I have come to realize that it is because I am fearing making even more mistakes, which amounts to people not liking me in my mind. I thrive off of that approval, so how can I shift that self thought into positive thinking.
This is what I can tell myself in days like these.
- I don't need anyone elses approval except fot the approval of my Savior
- My self worth isn't dependent upon anyone elses view of me
- I had the right intentions behind each action
- Someone on this earth loves me
- I am beautifully and wonderfully created
- My only purpose on this Earth is to show people the love of Jesus and I will not always be able to make people happy, I am human
- Not everyday will be like this
- God's will will be done ultimately
On another, happier, note.... I GOT KEEGAN TO NAP IN HIS CRIB YESTERDAY!
Take a deap breath with me. It's just a bad day, not a bad life.