Friday, August 31, 2012


If there is one this that I believe the Lord wanted us to do as humans, on this earth, working for him, it is to love. Love one another, love his creation, love his direction, and love ourselves. That is one commandment that I know is true and that I have the power to execute. I read Romans again lost night and Chapter 12 stood out to me. Verse 9 starts with a direct request, "Love must be sincere." God creates each one of his children to be perfect in his eyes. There are plenty people in this world that have the ability to drive me crazy but, I have to have the power to embrace them and their "flaws"(in my eyes).

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above your selves."-verse 12. We must put each other in a pedestal, never above the Lord, but above ourselves. If some one asks you to do something, DO IT! Show them you care and expect nothing out of it. Show your gratitude when someone does something for you, even if it is the smallest of things. And when someone offers to do something for you, allow them to do it. If you deny them you are taking away the joy that they would receive from following the Lord's commandment.

The verse that hit me the most related to mission work. Specifically to a trip I took last April. 20 of us flew to San Francisco to work with the homeless in the Tenderloin District. The Lord was alive and well dwelling with in all of our hearts. It was a joy to have the opportunity to interact with the homeless and give them a little love. Most of the homeless population are lonely and seeking some sort of love or attention. Verse 13 says, "Practice hospitality." Then verses 16-20 say, "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of love position. Do not be conceited.... If your enemy is hungry, feed them; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." We are the some as the homeless population. Our lives might be a little less exciting but they have the same soul and maker as we do. The Lord gravitated to the broken and the hurt. He loved them with all of his heart because he was the only person that could fix them and they needed his forgiveness and love. We have to be like Chris in that sense. We have to love and care about everyone we interact with. That is what Christ would do. I will post a few pictures of the group in San Fran and a video of our free time. I was not able to get any pictures of the homeless so these will have to suffice.

The Crew on the first night

Enjoying their In-n-Out hats.

The ever so lovely Brad and Neal.

Quayln Ray.


 Bran and Quyaln


Jim and I

Kelthy Hovith

Gavin and Henderson

Here is the video.

Love you all,
All-i Rose

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Transition Space

I am in a transition period. In less than thirty days my life will be dramatically different. Next Wednesday my school district will be going to school with out me. I will be working up until my departure to the University. I love my limbo period when my mind is occupied but when my mind has time to wonder it cam be very dangerous. I am a very pessimistic person by my nature. I told my friend a few days ago, "If you expect the worst out of something or someone you can never be disappointed." Which I guess in some instances that is okay but, on the other hand, then what would you have to look forward to in life.

This summer I have been questioning the reason that I am on this Earth. What do I have to offer? What can I do? The past 18 years I never questioned my purpose and I looked forward to the little things. That was because my life at that point was pre-planned out. I was going to be an A student, who volunteered, and what going to graduate from high school. But now I am to the point that it is my life and I am in control of my earthly self. The Lord has a plan, but I can choose to live his way or my way. So what are some small things that I am looking forward to in this next month.

  1. My birthday. I am going to be 19! It doesn't seem like my birthday yet though so I am not too excited. 
  2. The Mukilteo Festival! I love this weekend. The parade. The carnival. The food. The friends. The fireworks. 
  3. Fall Kick-Off. This will be the last time that I will be with the whole YG before I head off to school.
  4. The Golf Tournament. I love interacting with everyone. 
  5. I am kinda looking forward to moving in and getting to know everyone. Kinda...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ephesians and Romans

I have been searching for direction, direction for next year and the rest of my life. In the past I have tried to create my own path. I have planned things so far in advance that haven't always turned out as I have hoped. So this time, while I searched for direction, I turned to my heavenly father. I first read the book of Ephesians.

I took little Magglet down to the beach and laid a blanket in the sand. I prayed a prayer for the lord to open my heart and let me receive his direction. And then I read every verse 2 to 3 times and highlighted anything that stood out to me. And once verse specifically captured my attention. "Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.-Ephesians 4:2" There are so many directions in this and I have to practice every one. Next year, when I feel alone or distraught I need to remember to stay positive and spread the Lord's love because there will be at least 1,000 people that feel the same way. I have to be humble and gentle. Accepting of other's views. Patient with people who drive me nuts and remember that the Lord created them to be that way. Most importantly I have to share his overwhelming love.

After finishing Ephesians I headed home to run some errands. Later that evening I delved into Romans.  Paul wrote this elaborate letter to the Romans. He felt so blessed to have the opportunity to share the Lord's message to them. It was a gift from the Lord and he was proud to share the Good News. He boldly stated to the masses, "For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. -Romans 1:16" Why do I fear sharing the message of my lord, Jesus Christ? Paul was able to proudly proclaim his faith. Next year I will have to be could and actually rightfully live out my faith. 

I always tend to focus my faults and my wrong doing's. "Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? -Romans 2:4" I must remember the Lord's grace and tolerance. His love covers a multitude of sin and I must learn to forgive myself and move on. "We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. -Romans 3:22" I am forgiven of my sins because of the Lord's ultimate sacrifice and I am now clean and anew because of his gracious gift. 

Next year I must remember will not be easy. I will be pushed and put through many trails and tribulations but it will build character and strengthen my hope. "And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment.-Romans 5:4-5" This is the Lord's promise. But I have a choice... "Don’t you realize that you become a slave of whatever you choose to obey. -Romans 6:16" I have to make a concuss effort to follow him. I will not get distracted by societies standards, I will continue to follow the Lord's path. 

That is how I see it today. 
Take some time to think about it too,
All-i Rose

Friday, August 24, 2012

Read again in 8 to 10 years...

I found a quote on Pinterest last week that has stayed on my mind.

"Don't be a girl that need's a man,
Be a girl that a man needs."

I have no clue why this stood out to me so much. I think that I have always subconsciously wanted a traditional marriage with a woman who stays home with the kids  while the husband is the bread winner with a successful full-time job. But thinking about my life pertaining to this quote, I think it is fine to have that classic marriage but it is also acceptable for me to a strong part of the relationship. I want to be the backbone that holds the family together. That is a huge responsibility but that is also some what of a "full-time job". So I have written a letter to my future husband. The things in this letter will change as I mature and grow older but, as a 19 year old, this is what I have to say to my dream man...

Dear Future Husband,

Right now I am an 19 year old, sitting in her bed, 17 days before she moves into her college dorm room. I want you to know that I am praying for you. I am praying that the Lord is protecting you. I am praying that you are okay. I am praying that at the right moment the Lord will introduce us and a connection will form. Maybe I have already met you or maybe I will meet you in ten years but know that when I do meet you I have looked forward to that day for a long time. The Lord has a plan for our lives and I am so excited to see where he brings us.

I want you to know that I will love you no matter what. I know that times will not always be easy but we will have to push through them. I can be very difficult at times but I hope that you can forgive me and push past my moodiness. I hope that we can laugh at and with each other often. I pray that when I am down you can brighten my day with just a smile. I pray that you take risks and that you are adventurous. I will support you with all of your dreams. And I don't ever want to hold you back. I also pray that you trust in the Lord and that you are somewhat realistic within you thoughts and dreams. I pray that you pursue you passion and work towards achieving something everyday. I find it sexy when you defend and protect me. I feel comforted when I know that I can rely on you to have my back but also know that I am a strong woman who can kick an ass or two if it is necessary. I pray that you love me and our family. Family is so important to me and I pray that that is one thing that we instill into our children, "Family comes first." Thank you for accepting my heart. I am so thankful that you still love me even with no makeup while wearing sweats and eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's. 

You are wonderful and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you!

Love your future wife, 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Positives of Life

The past two weeks has been an emotional roller-coaster for me. As each day passes the reality of me leaving becomes more apparent. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to further my education and obtain a professional degree of some sort. But, on the other hand, I am also very apprehensive to take the leap into becoming my own person. I become very overwhelmed thinking about my freshman year of college. I am anxious about:

  1. having to meet new people. I am very self-conscious. I feel that I don't have much to offer to people. I am weird, quiet, and awkward. I don't know who would want to hang out with me. 
  2. my academic class load. I will be taking 16 credits where the recommended credit load for a freshman is 13 credits. 
  3. my financial situation. I am on my own financially. My parents have offered to help but, I do not want to add more stress to their finances with my needs.
  4. my roommate. I want her to like me. I want us to get along. We don't have to be best friends. In fact, it would prefer us not to be because a little distance could be nice.  
  5. missing home. I am such a home body. I don't have many close friends, but the ones I do have mean the WORLD to me. They have taken the time to get to know me and they know my heart inside and out and I know that I will miss them with my whole heart.

Now, after all that is said, I have to look for the positive. My mind has been trained for 18 years to look at, not necessarily the negative side of something, but the precautions of everything. My best friend Jim the past month has been asking me, "Alli, what are you looking forward to?" 

And my response has been the same, "I have no clue." I wasn't really looking forward to anything. School was overwhelming and working the rest of my life didn't look any more appealing. But, after thinking about it these last few days I would like to respond with this, "I am looking forward to what God has in store for me. I may not know what that is but, I can only hope that it will be amazing. I am looking forward to new doors opening and new opportunities to present them selves. I am looking forward to continuing the relationships that I already and and creating new ones. I am looking forward to falling in love. I am looking forward to finding out more about myself and what I am good at. I am looking forward to being me." Of course I am not able to say that aloud because I am no good with words but, I wish I could. I giggle and laugh awkwardly when people tell me they love me instead of my looking them back in the eyes and saying it too. That is just how I am.

So lets turn the anxiety and fears above into positive thoughts.
  1. I am ready to broaden my friend circle. I am excited to get to know people who share the same views as me. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to show people God's love and be a servant to them. 
  2. Even though the academics may be tough I will be learning so much! I need to drop the A mentality and be ready to learn at my own rate and retain all of the information. I have to be gentle with myself and realize that failing a test or even a class isn't the end of the world.
  3. I have money saved up. I have a budget and I can always get a job. That was easy!
  4. My roommate is wanting the something I hope. All we could hope for is to get along. As long as I do everything with good intensions and a pure heart I can be proud of my actions and alright even if she doesn't like me. 
  5. To start off, home is only an hour away. I will have a car with me. My parents are only a phone call away and I will no longer have to answer to them or satisfy their needs for discussion. I can always text/call/facebook/email/facetime/skype/etc. when I feel lonely. I have an incredible support system. And I will be missed just as much as I miss them. 
Their are so many incredible things in-store for me and my life. I know that, "the Lord has plans to prosper me and not to harm me."

Life is looking pretty good!
-All-i Rose

Monday, August 6, 2012

Heaven is a Place on Earth

Oh boy... where to begging. Crescent bar was amazing! Here are a few highlights:

  1. Brad flipped us off with in the first hour of the trip.
  2. We snuck into someones home in Chelan to sleep for a night.
  3. I rode on the jet skies with my two favorite guys, Jim and Brad.
  4. Mackenzie and I drove the Jet Skies while Brad and Jim bobbed in the river.
  5. I was hit on by several drunk men. Two were quite persistent and urged me to make them friendship bracelets in return of a chicken dinner.
  6. Kari's meal including 6 pies and a German Chocolate cake. 
  7. An inebriated man asked if my tits were real.
  8. I drove the RV.
  9. There were lots of Red Bull Italian Sodas.
  10. I met a ton of amazing kids.
  11. 2 men from our neighboring campsite who were celebrating a bachelor party were arrested at 3 am. 
  12. 24 people found Christ.
  13. 3 girls were baptized.
  14. Brad's interpretive dance.
  15. And what was possibly was the biggest highlight was multiple affirmations of people love for me. I do not mean that to sound conceited but I have been questioning my worth in the group for a while.
    • Jim asked me to ride a jet ski with him. Brad was going to take Mackenzie out. When I got on the Jet Ski I thanked Jim and he said in return, "You are my favorite kid that has come through this youth group."
    • Then on the last day, while we were loading the RV, Jim came out of his trailer with my Barbie fishing pole that we never got to use. I went over to retrieve it from him and he while he handed it to me he said, "I am sorry but let is take this as a sign of unfinished business. I don't ever want you to not come back. I will love you forever, no matter what you do!" Then, of course, I started crying and Brad came over. They both sandwiched me in a hug.
    • In the RV Brad took my hand and squeezed it and said, "You are one of a kind." Which, again, made me cry.
This trip was an incredible way to officially end my connection with the youth group as a student. For now on when I visit I will be an alumni or a leader. 

Here are a few pictures from the trip:

The following pictures are of our pie sampler. I cried because I was so happy...

Thanks Kari!

There is a picture that Mackenzie accidentally took of the volunteer firefighters working on the wasted woman.

Here are a few of the campers.

The Baptisms

The whole crew

I cannot wait for the next chapter of my life...